John on Wine-Be it resolved

Originally published in the Ukiah Daily Journal newspaper on Thursday, July 10, 2014
Written by John Cesano


Guinness McFadden at the Capitol in Sacramento, receiving his Golden Bear Trophy for the Best of Show Sparkling Wine at the 2014 CA State Fair Wine Competition and a Joint Resolution from the CA Assembly and Senate recognizing over 40 years of organic and eco-friendly leadership in grape growing.

“On Tuesday, June 24, 2014, I entered the Governor’s office at the State Capitol in Sacramento at 9 a.m.” aren’t words I get to write often, but I posted 69 photographs and used more than 2,500 words to caption them online at JohnOnWine.com to describe that day.

I would encourage you to go online and see the pictures and read the whole story, but here’s a column version.

That day, the Best of Show winners from the 2014 California State Fair Wine Competition were announced.

Each of the big prize winners were notified so they could come collect their California Golden Bear Trophy at a ceremony to be held on the east steps of the capitol.

Guinness McFadden received an invitation because the NV McFadden Sparkling Cuvee Brut had been judged Best of Show for Sparkling Wines.

While Guinness was out of the state meeting a new grandson, Guinness III, an idea was hatched to use the event as an opportunity to surprise Guinness with additional recognition, a Resolution from one of the CA State Houses.

Emails, phone calls, and Facebook messages flew. One of Mendocino County’s most “plugged in” folks, Heidi Cusick Dickerson, was reached. The offices of both Assemblyman Wesley Chesbro and Senator Noreen Evans went into overdrive and in an incredibly tight time frame research into Guinness’ life and Resolution language was fashioned and moved through both houses in time to be presented at Tuesday’s wine award ceremony.

Wearing my McFadden retail manager hat, I closed the McFadden tasting room Tuesday morning to see Guinness receive his Golden Bear Trophy, and his surprise Joint Resolution. Wearing my John On Wine newspaper column guy hat, I was thrilled with the day being so Mendocino focused. I wrote last week about four of the seven Golden Bear Trophies for California’s best wines going to Mendocino County wineries.

After two other Golden Bear Trophies were awarded, Guinness was called up onto the steps of the Capitol, and Assemblyman Wesley Chesbro took the microphone from the State Fair folks and explained that while everyone in the wine industry is deserving, every constitute is valued, the reality is that some folks are just a touch more deserving, and today Guinness McFadden would be receiving a Resolution from both California’s Assembly and Senate.

I’ve worked with Guinness long enough to know his moods, his feelings. I watched him surprised and deeply moved. Here is the text of the spectacularly deserved Joint Resolution:


California Legislature Assembly Resolution

By the Honorable Wesley Chesbro, 2nd Assembly District; and
the Honorable Noreen Evans, 2nd Senatorial District;
Relative to commending


WHEREAS, On June 24, 2014, NV McFadden Sparkling Brut, a wine produced by McFadden Vineyard, will receive the California State Fair Best of Show Sparkling Award, and upon this occasion, the owner of McFadden Vineyard, Guinness McFadden, is deserving of special public recognition; and

WHEREAS, Growing up the oldest of five children in the upper west side of New York City, New York, Guinness McFadden turned down an Ivy League scholarship in 1956 to attend the University of Notre Dame, where he received his Bachelor’s degree in History and participated on the varsity wrestling team; and

WHEREAS, After graduating, Guinness enlisted with the United States Navy; serving for nine years,his notable activities during this time included serving a tour in the Mediterranean, where he developed his love for wine; captaining a river boat in Vietnam, where he learned fluent Vietnamese and earned a Bronze Star medal; and serving as an admiral’s aid in Lisbon, Portugal, where he again acquired the native tongue; and

WHEREAS, After leaving the Navy, Guinness returned to the United States in 1969 and enrolled at Stanford Business School; after a brief period, he realized that his interests would be best served elsewhere, and he ultimately settled down in a Potter Valley, Mendocino County, California; and

WHEREAS, McFadden Vineyard originated in Potter Valley as nothing more than two small vineyards that were each no larger than 15 acres; today, Guinness’ business encompasses some of the oldest vines of the nearly 1,500 acres of vineyards in Potter Valley, and his grapes have represented a significant portion of many award-winning wines in Napa, Sonoma, and Mendocino counties; and

WHEREAS, A community leader whose unwavering dedication to organic farming has continued for over 40 years, Guinness supplemented his Eco-friendly vision of sustainable agriculture in 1983 by building a hydroelectric power plant capable of powering 100 homes, and in 2005, he installed 300 solar panels to make the farm completely energy independent; McFadden Farm now produces energy far beyond its own needs and provides enough extra to power over half of Potter Valley’s businesses and residences; and

WHEREAS, The contributions Guinness McFadden has made to the welfare and improvement of the local agricultural community have been invaluable, and he has served as a worthy model for all public-spirited people of the State; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED BY ASSEMBLY MEMBER WESLEY CHESBRO AND SENATOR NOREEN EVANS, That Guinness McFadden be commended for the significant contributions he has made to the people of the local community and throughout California, and extended sincere best wishes for continued success in the future.

Members Resolution No. 1464
Dated this 24th day of June, 2014
Honorable Wesley Chesbro 2nd Assembly District.
Honorable Noreen Evans 2nd Senatorial District.

Seriously, they could have gone on, but you get the gist. Congratulations to Guinness McFadden on recognition of your over 40 years of contribution to the Mendocino County wine scene.

Party at McFadden Farm this Saturday! www.McFaddenFarm.com

John Cesano writes a popular wine blog at www.johnonwine.com, and is the Tasting Room Manager at the McFadden Tasting Room in Hopland.



John On Wine – Mendocino wines win huge at 2014 CA State Fair

Party at McFadden coming up

Originally published in the Ukiah Daily Journal newspaper on July 3, 2014 by John Cesano


The California State Fair starts next week, but the Commercial Wine Competition took place June 4-6, 2014, with 74 judges on 18 panels tasting 2,829 wine entries. On Tuesday, June 24, the Best of Show wine winners were invited to Sacramento where Golden Bear Trophies were handed out in recognition of California’s best wines.

First up, Ted Bennett, owner, and Jim Klein, winemaker, received the first wine award of the day for the 2013 Navarro Vineyards Late Harvest Riesling, the 2014 California State Fair Best of Show Dessert winner.

Next, Guinness McFadden received a Golden Bear Trophy for his NV McFadden Vineyard Sparkling Cuvee Brut, the 2014 California State Fair Best of Show Sparkling winner. Guinness also received a Joint Resolution from Assemblyman Chesbro and Senator Evans for his contributions as an organic and eco-friendly grower in Mendocino County for more than 40 years.

Ed St. Johns, owner, picked up his 2014 California State Fair Best of Show Pink award for the 2013 Pedroncelli Signature Selection Dry Creek Valley Dry Rosé of Zinfandel.

Carol Shelton was thrilled that the Best of Show White went to her 2012 Carol Shelton Wines Coquille Blanc, a Rhone style white blend. I worked with Carol for eight years, in the last Millennium, and I adore her. Kudos!

2010 Sterling Vineyards Platinum Napa Valley Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon was the competition’s Best of Show Red winner, and Harry Hansen picked up the award.

Fetzer earned a Golden Bear for Best Value wine, the 2011 Fetzer Valley Oaks Moscato.

Finally, Jim and Ted from Navarro were invited back up onto the stage; Navarro earned the California Golden State Winery of the Year award, another Golden Bear trophy, for being the top awarded winery of the competition. With three wines receiving Double Gold and 98 Points or better, Navarro was far and away the top winery for 2014.

Mendocino County wineries earned four of the seven Golden Bear Trophies awarded from the California State Fair for wine: Navarro – Golden State Winery of the Year, Navarro – Best of Show Dessert, McFadden – Best of Show Sparkling, and Fetzer – Best Value; 98 points and Double Gold, each and every one of them.

Two of the other winners, Sterling and Carol Shelton buy Mendocino grapes to make some of their wines. Sterling buys Sauvignon Blanc and Riesling grapes from McFadden Farm in Potter Valley. Carol Shelton buys Zinfandel and Carignane grapes from Cox Vineyards in Ukiah, and is talking about possibly buying Sauvignon Blanc grapes from McFadden Farm, as well. Interestingly, Navarro has bought Gewurztraminer grapes from McFadden Farm in the past too. Fetzer also has bought McFadden Farm grapes. Somebody clearly has a great farm. The quality of grapes in Mendocino County, the wines they can produce, is evidenced by the concentration of Golden Bear Trophies won by Mendocino County wineries at this year’s CA State Fair.


The annual party at McFadden Farm in Potter Valley is one of only two wine club parties I will go to every year, the other is the Blending Party at Testa Vineyard in Calpella. If I changed jobs, or retired, I would pay to come to these two parties without fail. I’ll write about Testa’s party in another column. This year’s annual party at McFadden Farm will be held next Saturday, July 12, from to 11 p.m.

Tickets are available online at www.McFaddenFarm.com or through the tasting room, (707) 744-8463.

The fun kicks off with a wine and appetizer reception at 5 p.m. on the banks of the upper Russian River on McFadden Farm at the north end of Potter Valley.

The adventurous may enjoy taking a farm walking tour with Guinness McFadden.

Dinner will be served a little after 6 p.m., and the menu, prepared by Chef Fontaine McFadden and several of her chef buddies, will be an assortment of locally raised grilled pork and lamb, vegetable dishes, salads and desserts. Our neighbor Mac Magruder, will be providing locally raised pork and lamb for grilling again.

Do I need to mention that McFadden wines and sparkling Brut will flow?

Guests will enjoy special first and last tastes of McFadden wines. In what has become a tradition, there will be a first tasting of a new release at the party: the 2012 McFadden Brut Rose – McFadden’s first Brut Rose ever – will pour. There will also be last tastes of a few wines that are otherwise sold out, saved in the library until the party.

Great news: the Kelly McFarling Band will return this year to provide live music.

After dinner, there will be raffle giveaways and a special sale offer exclusive to attendees.

As night falls, the party heats up as guests dance the night away, under the stars, on the river bank.

If you enjoy camping for free, we’ve got lots of room on our 500 acre farm to pitch a tent for a night of camping. Of the 225 who will attend, we expect many will also stay overnight for camping.

Tickets are $60 each, but McFadden Wine Club members can purchase two tickets at just $50 each. Children 12 and under are just $20 each. Tickets can be purchased online at www.McFaddenFarm.com, or by calling the McFadden Farm Stand & Tasting Room in Hopland between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. daily at (707) 744-8463. I hope to see you there.